About Bon Secour
The waterfront fishing village of Bon Secour provides a harbor where boats from all over the Gulf of Mexico deliver seafood and shellfish to picturesque docks. One of the oldest settlements on the Gulf Coast, the community was named as a "safe harbor" by the founding French settlers. This settlement along the beautiful Bon Secour River is home to several fisheries, including one that has been in operation since the late 1800s. One of Alabama's oldest family-owned businesses, it ships locally famous seafood to outlets all over the country.
Listings in Bon Secour, AL
- 3
Estimated median home price
- $289,000
Price | Count |
$0 - 100K | 1 |
$100K - 200K | 0 |
$200K - 300K | 1 |
$300K - 400K | 0 |
$400K - 500K | 0 |
$500K - 600K | 0 |
$600K - 700K | 0 |
$700K - 800K | 1 |
$800K - 900K | 0 |
$900K - 1M | 0 |
$1M - Max | 0 |
Property Type | Count |
Single Family | 1 |
Townhouse | 0 |
Condo | 0 |
Commercial | 0 |
Rental | 0 |
Lots and Land | 2 |
Condo/Town/CoOp | 0 |
CoOp | 0 |
Multi Family | 0 |
Mobile Home | 0 |
Farms | 0 |
(Data as of 9/23/2024)